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File organization used by LFADS Run Manager

You won’t likely need to dive into the raw files produced by lfads-run-manager and LFADS, but we include a brief overview here to help understand what’s stored where. You can safely skip to running your model.

Run collection organization

After running MyExperiment.drive_script and calling rc.prepareForLFADS(), you’ll see the following directory tree on your hard drive:

$ tree -L 4 ~/lorenz_example/
├── datasets
│   ├── dataset001.mat
│   ├── dataset002.mat
│   ├── dataset003.mat
│   └── dataset004.mat
└── runs
    └── exampleRun
        ├── data_RE1kuL
        │   ├── all
        │   │   ├── inputInfo_dataset001.mat
        │   │   ├── inputInfo_dataset002.mat
        │   │   ├── inputInfo_dataset003.mat
        │   │   ├── lfads_dataset001.h5
        │   │   ├── lfads_dataset002.h5
        │   │   └── lfads_dataset003.h5
        │   ├── single_dataset001
        │   │   ├── inputInfo_dataset001.mat
        │   │   └── lfads_dataset001.h5
        │   ├── single_dataset002
        │   │   ├── inputInfo_dataset002.mat
        │   │   └── lfads_dataset002.h5
        │   └── single_dataset003
        │       ├── inputInfo_dataset003.mat
        │       └── lfads_dataset003.h5
        ├── param_Qr2PeG
        │   ├── all
        │   │   └── lfadsInput
        │   ├── single_dataset001
        │   │   └── lfadsInput
        │   ├── single_dataset002
        │   │   └── lfadsInput
        │   └── single_dataset003
        │       └── lfadsInput
        └── summary.txt

9 directories, 13 files
Inside live the raw datasets, unrelated to lfads-run-manager. These were created by you when you called LFADS.Utils.generateDemoDatasets(...).

The root runs folder you specified in the constructor to RunCollection.

runRoot = '~/lorenz_example/runs';
rc = MyExperiment.RunCollection(runRoot, 'exampleRun', dc);


The location of this specific RunCollection, based on the name you passed to constructor of RunCollection

rc = MyExperiment.RunCollection(runRoot, 'exampleRun', dc);


The location of the exported datasets for RunParams whose data hash is RE1kuL. The data hash includes properties of RunParams that affect the exported data, as described here. Each subfolder corresponds to the name of a RunSpec.

Contains data collected when generating the LFADS input, including the raw spike counts, condition ids, time vector, and trial indices assigned to the training and validation sets.
The spike counts data directly read by LFADS

param_Qr2PeG: : Location of the individual runs generated with the RunParams instance whose param hash is Qr2PeG. The subfolders correspond to the run names passed to RunSpec, and their contents will be discussed below.

rc.addRunSpec(MyExperiment.RunSpec('all', dc, 1:dc.nDatasets));
Shell script which will launch TensorBoard, optionally on a specific port
sh 50000
Python script which will launch the LFADS Run Queue on all runs within the exampleRun RunCollection:

Individual run folders

Within an run folder, we find:

$ tree ~/lorenz_example/runs/exampleRuns/param_Qr2PeG/all
├── lfads.done
├── lfads.out
├── lfadsInput
│   ├── inputInfo_dataset001.mat -> ../../../data_RE1kuL/all/inputInfo_dataset001.mat
│   ├── inputInfo_dataset002.mat -> ../../../data_RE1kuL/all/inputInfo_dataset002.mat
│   ├── inputInfo_dataset003.mat -> ../../../data_RE1kuL/all/inputInfo_dataset003.mat
│   ├── lfads_dataset001.h5 -> ../../../data_RE1kuL/all/lfads_dataset001.h5
│   ├── lfads_dataset002.h5 -> ../../../data_RE1kuL/all/lfads_dataset002.h5
│   └── lfads_dataset003.h5 -> ../../../data_RE1kuL/all/lfads_dataset003.h5
├── lfadsOutput
│   ├── checkpoint
│   ├── checkpoint_lve
│   ├── fitlog.csv
│   ├── hyperparameters-0.txt
│   ├── hyperparameters-38740.txt
│   ├── lfads_log
│   │   └── events.out...
│   ├──
│   ├── lfads_vae.ckpt-37206.index
│   ├── lfads_vae.ckpt-37206.meta
│   ├── ...
│   ├── model_params
│   ├── model_runs_dataset001.h5_train_posterior_sample_and_average
│   ├── model_runs_dataset001.h5_valid_posterior_sample_and_average
│   ├── model_runs_dataset002.h5_train_posterior_sample_and_average
│   ├── model_runs_dataset002.h5_valid_posterior_sample_and_average
│   ├── model_runs_dataset003.h5_train_posterior_sample_and_average
│   └── model_runs_dataset003.h5_valid_posterior_sample_and_average
Contains relative symbolic links to the contents of data_RE1kuL, enabling multiple runs to share data without duplication. The .h5 files will be read in by LFADS.

The directory to which LFADS will write generated output. Some of the key files within are:

Contains the saved checkpoint with the lowest validation error.
Contains information about the various costs through training
Records the hyperparameters used by LFADS
Contains the posterior mean samples and averages for the training trials
Contains the posterior mean samples and averages for the validation trials
Shell script which will launch LFADS to train the model. This script may potentially chain performing posterior mean sampling and writing the model parameters, depending on how it was generated by lfads-run-manager.
Empty text file indicating to the LFADS Run Queue that this model has already completed successfully
Logged output of LFADS generated by the LFADS Run Queue

Clearing LFADS Output

If you wanted to re-train a model from scratch, you can call run.deleteLFADSOutput() from Matlab, or you could manually delete the lfadsOutput folder, lfads.done, and lfads.out.