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Loading the trained LFADS model parameters

Loading the model_params

After the LFADS run has finished, you will need to have LFADS write the model parameters to disk in a file called lfadsOutput/model_params, as described here. If you used the run queue to automatically launch all of your runs, you can skip this step as it was taken care of for you after training was completed.

model_params is an HD5 file that contains all of the model parameters. To load these, each LFADS.Run provides a method run.loadModelTrainedParams() that will return an instance of LFADS.ModelTrainedParameters. This instance will have many fields, corresponding to the set of parameters learned by LFADS.

List of model trained parameters

Below is an annotated list of the properties found within the ModelTrainedParameters instance, along with the size of each parameter relative to hyperparameters specified in the corresponding RunParams.

For reference, here is the schematic of an LFADS model:

LFADS Schematic

Read-in from spikes to input factors

Name Description Size
x_to_infac_W readin alignment weights, mapping from counts to input factors nDatasets x 1 cell of nNeuronsThisDataset x c_factors_dim
x_to_infac_b readin alignment biases to input factors nDatasets x 1 cell of 1 x c_factors_dim

Initial condition encoder (forward)

Name Description Size
ic_enc_fwd_t0 forward IC encoder prior on t0 1 x c_ic_enc_dim
ic_enc_fwd_gru_xh_to_gates_ru_W forward IC encoder GRU, mapping input+hiddens to gates r and u, weights (c_ic_enc_dim + factors_dim) x (2 * c_ic_enc_dim)
ic_enc_fwd_gru_xh_to_gates_ru_b forward IC encoder GRU bmapping input+hiddens to gates r and u, biases 1 x (2*c_ic_enc_dim)
ic_enc_fwd_gru_xrh_to_c_W forward IC encoder GRU mapping input, r, and hidden to candidates (weights) (c_ic_enc_dim + c_factors_dim) x c_ic_enc_dim
ic_enc_fwd_gru_xrh_to_c_b forward IC encoder GRU mapping input, r, and hidden to candidates (bias) 1 x c_ic_enc_dim

Initial condition encoder (reverse)

Name Description Size
ic_enc_rev_t0 reverse IC encoder prior on t0 1 x c_ic_enc_dim
ic_enc_rev_gru_xh_to_gates_ru_W reverse IC encoder GRU, mapping input+hidden to gates r and u, weights (c_factors_dim + c_ic_enc_dim) x (2*c_ic_enc_dim)
ic_enc_rev_gru_xh_to_gates_ru_b reverse IC encoder GRU bmapping input+hidden to gates r and u, biases 1 x (2*c_ic_enc_dim)
ic_enc_rev_gru_xrh_to_c_W reverse IC encoder GRU mapping input+r+hidden to candidates (weights) (c_ic_enc_dim + c_factors_dim) x c_ic_enc_dim
ic_enc_rev_gru_xrh_to_c_b reverse IC encoder GRU mapping input+r+hidden to candidates (bias) 1 x c_ic_enc_dim

Initial condition g0

Name Description Size
prior_g0_mean Mean parameter in prior on initial condition g0 1 x c_ic_dim
prior_g0_logvar Logvar parameter in prior on initial condition g0 1 x c_ic_dim
ic_enc_to_posterior_g0_mean_W Weights for mean parameter in posterior of the initial condition g0 (2*c_ic_enc_dim) x c_ic_dim
ic_enc_to_posterior_g0_mean_b Bias for mean parameter in posterior of the initial condition g0 1 x c_ic_dim
ic_enc_to_posterior_g0_logvar_W Weights for logvar parameter in posterior of the initial condition g0 (2*c_ic_enc_dim) x c_ic_dim
ic_enc_to_posterior_g0_logvar_b Bias for logvar parameter in posterior of the initial condition g0 1 x c_ic_dim
g0_to_gen_ic_W mapping from g0 to generator initial condition, weights c_ic_dim x c_gen_dim
g0_to_gen_ic_b mapping from g0 to generator initial condition, bias 1 x c_gen_dim

Controller encoder (forward)

Name Description Size
ci_enc_fwd_t0 forward controller prior on t0 1 x c_ci_enc_dim
ci_enc_fwd_gru_xh_to_ru_W forward controller encoder GRU, mapping input+hidden to gates r and u, weights (ci_enc_dim + c_factors_dim) x (2*c_ci_enc_dim)
ci_enc_fwd_gru_xh_to_ru_b forward controller encoder GRU, mapping input+hidden to gates r and u, bias 1 x (2*c_ci_enc_dim)
ci_enc_fwd_gru_xrh_to_c_W forward controller encoder GRU mapping input, r, and hidden to candidates (weights) (c_ci_enc_dim + c_factors_dim) x c_ci_enc_dim)
ci_enc_fwd_gru_xrh_to_c_b forward controller encoder GRU mapping input, r, and hidden to candidates (bias) 1 x c_ci_enc_dim

Controller encoder (reverse)

Name Description Size
ci_enc_rev_t0 reverse controller prior on t0 1 x c_ci_enc_dim
ci_enc_rev_gru_xh_to_ru_W reverse controller encoder GRU, mapping input+hidden to gates r and u, weights (ci_enc_dim + factors_dim) x (2*c_ci_enc_dim)
ci_enc_rev_gru_xh_to_ru_b reverse controller encoder GRU, mapping input+hidden to gates r and u, bias 1 x (2*c_ci_enc_dim)
ci_enc_rev_gru_xrh_to_c_W reverse controller encoder GRU mapping input, r, and hidden to candidates (weights) (c_ci_enc_dim + c_factors_dim) x c_ci_enc_dim)
ci_enc_rev_gru_xrh_to_c_b reverse controller encoder GRU mapping input, r, and hidden to candidates (bias) 1 x c_ci_enc_dim

Controlller RNN

Name Description Size
con_gengru_x_to_ru_W controller GenGRU, mapping input to gates r+u, weights (c_ci_enc_dim * 2 + c_factors_dim) x (2*c_con_dim)
con_gengru_h_to_ru_W controller GenGRU, mapping hidden to gates r+u, weights c_con_dim x (2*c_con_dim)
con_gengru_h_to_ru_b controller GenGRU, mapping hidden to gates r+u, weights 1 x (2*c_con_dim)
con_gengru_x_to_c_W controller GenGRU, mapping input to candidates, weights (c_ci_enc_dim * 2 + c_factors_dim) x c_con_dim
con_gengru_rh_to_c_b controller GenGRU, mapping r+hidden to candidates, bias 1 x c_con_dim

Controller output co

Name Description Size
prior_ar1_logevars autoregressive prior on controller outputs 1 x c_co_dim
prior_ar1_logatau autoregressive time constant prior on controller outputs 1 x c_co_dim
con_co prior on controller output 1 x c_con_dim
con_to_posterior_co_mean_W mapping from controller to mean parameter of co, weights c_con_dim x c_co_dim
con_to_posterior_co_mean_b mapping from controller to mean parameter of co, biases 1 x c_co_dim
con_to_posterior_co_logvar_W mapping from controller to logvar parameter of co, weights c_con_dim x c_co_dim
con_to_posterior_co_logvar_b mapping from controller to logvar parameter of co, biases 1 x c_co_dim

Generator RNN

Name Description Size
gen_gengru_x_to_ru_W generator GRU, mapping from input to gates r+u, weights c_co_dim x (2*c_gen_dim)
gen_gengru_h_to_ru_W generator GRU, mapping from input to gates r+u, weights c_gen_dim x (2*c_gen_dim)
gen_gengru_h_to_ru_b generator GRU, mapping from input to gates r+u, biases 1 x (2*c_gen_dim)
gen_gengru_x_to_c_W generator GRU, mapping from input to candidates, weights c_co_dim x c_gen_dim
gen_gengru_rh_to_c_W generator GRU, mapping from r+hidden to candidates, weights c_gen_dim x c_gen_dim
gen_gengru_rh_to_c_b generator GRU, mapping from r+hidden to candidates, biases 1 x c_gen_dim

Generator output

Name Description Size
gen_to_factors_W mapping from generator to factors, weights c_gen_dim x c_factors_dim
factors_to_logrates_W readout alignment weights nDatasets x 1 cell of c_factors_dim x nNeuronsThisDataset
factors_to_logrates_b readout alignment biases nDatasets x 1 cell of 1 x nNeuronsThisDataset

Loading model_params for Lorenz example

We can load the model trained parameters for our multi-dataset stitching run as follows. Note that all of the entries associated with the controller and inferred inputs to the generator are missing, as we trained without inferred inputs with c_co_dim == 0.

>> mtp = rc.findRuns('all', 1).loadModelTrainedParams()

ans =

  ModelTrainedParams with properties:

   Read-in from spikes to input factors
                       x_to_infac_W: {3x1 cell}
                       x_to_infac_b: {3x1 cell}

   Initial condition encoder (forward)
                      ic_enc_fwd_t0: [64x1 single]
    ic_enc_fwd_gru_xh_to_gates_ru_W: [128x72 single]
    ic_enc_fwd_gru_xh_to_gates_ru_b: [128x1 single]
          ic_enc_fwd_gru_xrh_to_c_W: [64x72 single]
          ic_enc_fwd_gru_xrh_to_c_b: [64x1 single]

   Initial condition encoder (reverse)
                      ic_enc_rev_t0: [64x1 single]
    ic_enc_rev_gru_xh_to_gates_ru_W: [128x72 single]
    ic_enc_rev_gru_xh_to_gates_ru_b: [128x1 single]
          ic_enc_rev_gru_xrh_to_c_W: [64x72 single]
          ic_enc_rev_gru_xrh_to_c_b: [64x1 single]

   Initial condition g0
                      prior_g0_mean: [64x1 single]
                    prior_g0_logvar: [64x1 single]
      ic_enc_to_posterior_g0_mean_W: [64x128 single]
      ic_enc_to_posterior_g0_mean_b: [64x1 single]
    ic_enc_to_posterior_g0_logvar_W: [64x128 single]
    ic_enc_to_posterior_g0_logvar_b: [64x1 single]
                     g0_to_gen_ic_W: []
                     g0_to_gen_ic_b: []

   Controller encoder (forward)
                      ci_enc_fwd_t0: []
          ci_enc_fwd_gru_xh_to_ru_W: []
          ci_enc_fwd_gru_xh_to_ru_b: []
          ci_enc_fwd_gru_xrh_to_c_W: []
          ci_enc_fwd_gru_xrh_to_c_b: []

   Controller encoder (reverse)
                      ci_enc_rev_t0: []
          ci_enc_rev_gru_xh_to_ru_W: []
          ci_enc_rev_gru_xh_to_ru_b: []
          ci_enc_rev_gru_xrh_to_c_W: []
          ci_enc_rev_gru_xrh_to_c_b: []

   Controlller RNN
               con_gengru_x_to_ru_W: []
               con_gengru_h_to_ru_W: []
               con_gengru_h_to_ru_b: []
                con_gengru_x_to_c_W: []
               con_gengru_rh_to_c_W: []
               con_gengru_rh_to_c_b: []

   Controller output co
                 prior_ar1_logevars: []
                  prior_ar1_logatau: []
                             con_co: []
         con_to_posterior_co_mean_W: []
         con_to_posterior_co_mean_b: []
       con_to_posterior_co_logvar_W: []
       con_to_posterior_co_logvar_b: []

   Generator RNN
               gen_gengru_x_to_ru_W: []
               gen_gengru_h_to_ru_W: [128x64 single]
               gen_gengru_h_to_ru_b: [128x1 single]
                gen_gengru_x_to_c_W: []
               gen_gengru_rh_to_c_W: [64x64 single]
               gen_gengru_rh_to_c_b: [64x1 single]

   Generator output
                   gen_to_factors_W: [8x64 single]
              factors_to_logrates_W: {3x1 cell}
              factors_to_logrates_b: {3x1 cell}

The recurrent connectivity weight matrix of the c_gen_dim==64 GRU generator RNN is given by mtp.gen_gengru_rh_to_c_W:

Generator recurrent weight matrix

And the per-dataset readout matrices mapping factors to neurons’ log(rates) are given by mtp.factors_to_logrates_W:

Factor readout matrices